Selecting the right e-commerce platform for your goals, situation, and customers can influence your sales and the time your staff spend maintaining that platform. If you're considering Shopify as your next potential e-commerce solution, you should be aware Industry Email List of its strengths and limitations, Industry Email List when it comes to SEO, as well as other considerations that could affect your organization's success. “Shopify achieved 47% growth in the first quarter of 2020, primarily on the notion of ease and speed to market,” said Tony Verre, Founder of DreamFire Digital Marketing, “
This is a particularly strong for business Industry Email List owners who are scrambling to connect online while retail visits come to a screeching halt. However, with this speed and ease come trade-offs. » The Tradeoffs of Industry Email List Shopify SEO Duplicate URLs. Duplicate URL issues in one form or another are quite common on e-commerce platforms. On Shopify, duplicate URLs are created when products are associated with a collection page, product group. “The exact same product can be viewed at Wallner, Founder of First Chair Digital. The shorter URL is the original, and while Shopify adds canonical tags pointing to the original page, "These duplicate
URLs waste crawl budget and prevent search engines from deciding which version to display when a user searches for your product," he said. Verre and Jason Industry Email List White, SEO Director at PMG, also mentioned duplicate URLs as one of the trade-offs merchants should be aware of before getting into Shopify. One way to fix this is to modify your Shopify Industry Email List theme, as shown in our technical SEO guide for Shopify. Structure of the URL. "Shopify doesn't allow customization of URL structure, so every page you create is embedded in a pre-determined URL structure that can't be changed," Verre said. URLs are a minor ranking factor and the