Harris at Castro's inauguration. Harris recognized Last Database Castro's rise to the presidency of Honduras as a " positive change" for the country . This rapprochement by Washington is not accidental; responds to the need to face the humanitarian, Last Database economic, political and social crisis that is registered in the Northern Triangle of Central America. Faced with this order of things, the project runs a great risk of being displaced by the pretensions of the political and economic elite that supports Castro to restore the old liberalism that existed before the 2009 coup d'état, whose institutional framework Last Database was built to preserve.
The projects and businesses of the power groups. In this sense, Honduras faces three great challenges to pave the way for profound Last Database changes. The first challenge is LIBRE's internal democratization. In recent days, there has been speculation about the causes of factional clashes within the Legislative Branch . As we write this article, the National Congress is undergoing an Last Database enormous political and institutional crisis that is manifested in the existence of two boards of directors: the first, chaired by parliamentarian Luis Rolando Last Database Redondo (promoted by the alliance between LIBRE and the PSH), and the second, headed by Jorge.
Luis (promoted by dissident parliamentarians Last Database from LIBRE, the National Party and the Liberal Party). The political upheaval generated by this "dual power" resulted in the expulsion of 18 LIBRE deputies who supported the presidency of Cálix and the massive mobilization of the population to the National Congress to express their rejection of this board of directors, for Last Database lacking legitimacy. and legality. For its part, the Redondo board has legitimacy, but the dispute between the two directives puts the governability of this state power in Last Database suspense. At this point, the possibility of reaching an agreement has presented great difficulties. The Honduran Democracy Study Center has proposed three elements to understand this critical juncture